This week in Rockburn PTA and School News:
6/1 7:30pm at Pasta Blitz: Last PTA meeting of the fiscal year. Please make note of the new time and location for this meeting. Thank you to all the members and volunteers for a super year!
6/1-6/2: Band and Orchestra Rehearsals (Concert is Monday, June 6, 6:30pm @ Long Reach HS)
6/4: Rockburn Bank Day
6/3 5-9pm. Rockburn Night at the Columbia Sports Park. Hot dogs, pizza, unlimited mini golf, batting cages, face painting and more! $20 per family, or free if you purchased the PTA Bundle membership.
Coming Soon:
Get your school supplies in advance and take a few extra hours to relax this summer! Our teachers and the RES PTA are partnering with to help you order school supplies online and have your supplies here by our Teacher Meet and Greet Day in August.