Our Fall general membership PTA meeting will be Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. on the playground blacktop (back of the school), with a rain date of Thursday, September 10 at 6:30 p.m. Due to the Spring building closure, the 2020-21 elections which normally occur at the May general membership meeting were not able to be held therefore the September general membership will include 2020-21 PTA elections as well as review and vote on the proposed 2020-21 PTA budget. All PTA members are welcome and encouraged to attend. The proposed slate is:
2020-2021 Rockburn PTA – Proposed slate
President – Julie Brown
Vice President 1 – Alexis McKenzie
Vice President 2 – Althea Saheed
Recording secretary – Allison Eatough
Corresponding secretary – Sonia Chainani
Treasurer – Sarah Cheplak
We will be abiding by guidelines that follow CDC recommendations and include wearing a face covering, practicing social distancing, not sharing writing instruments, etc. Please bring a chair/blanket for you to sit if you prefer and any pens/pencils to use.